Friday 8 April 2011

always making a good impression

Yesterday I saw an old Woody Allen movie, I told you this 'cause the movie make me think about our society.
The title is "Zelig" and is a mock documentary (is a type of film in wicht fictitious events are presented in documentary format) about a man with the ability to transform himself to resemble anyone he's near.
This man called Zelig is like a chameleon, and the explain to that is very phychological: he make that 'couse he is afraid to doesn`t feet into any groups of people, so this afraid make him acting like this, is a kind of somatization of him symptoms.
Well, all this make me thing about the requirements of our society, 'couse in this world, we have to feet, and if we haven`t we are freak.
So, what are you think about that??

Friday 1 April 2011


Hello, here I`m trying to learn to write english. Well, a little bit of personal information, my name is Sofìa, I study psychology in "Universidad de Chile", but first I study art & theater in Buenos Aires.

This blog is part of the english course of my University, so sorry for the mistakes in my english, I`m just in level 3. I think that in this blog I`m going to write about a diferent things for the english course, I hope that the topics are interesing and funny.